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Going Natural


Hi! We're Roger and Linda!   We live off-grid and off the road system in the bush of Alaska. **  Our 120+ acre homestead provides us with an almost unlimited supply of natural products from chaga and usnea to birch wood and river rocks.  All of our products are sustainably harvested from our property or the surrounding area.


We have lived on this homestead since 2013.  Roger was a successful business owner and retired a few years back.  Linda is also retired from her healthcare related career.  Together we make a pretty good team to bring you the best naturals in Alaska.  


If you would like to see what it's like living off grid, please check out Roger's TikTok channel: livingoffgridalaska.  


**Please note: As unforeseen circumstances happen, we need to spend time in Mississippi until spring of 2024.  All of our  products have been packed up with us so we will still be using our native Alaskan naturals.  We may explore what Mississippi has to offer and begin a new product line.  So stay tuned!

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